Eric Loves Pussy.

Eric loves pussy.

What does justice mean to me?

So... I've decided that I want to go to uni, so I've started writing practice essays to get my study skills up. This is the first one. It's been roughly seven years since I have done anything close to academic. So... here goes!

What does justice mean to me?

Justice is the concept of creating and maintaining equality, managing the needs and rights of the individual versus the needs of the collective. Systems have been created to administer justice. The legislative arm of government creates laws that reflect the community's moral and ethical views, the enforcement arm prevents and apprehends those who break the law, and the judicial arm interprets and makes rulings based on law. This system is put in place to ensure, through the creation and enforcement of an accepted code of behaviour, equality to all mankind.

There are to aspects to the theory of justice, one being Distributive Justice, which deals with question of how to distribute goods, some examples are wealth, knowledge, power, healthcare and land. In 62% of all personal bankruptcy in the United States, medical debt is cited as a factor, the biggest single factor of all. In order to reform the Healthcare system to make it more accessible to people the United States of America Government passed a bill into law called the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. The willingness of a government to listen to it's people and to respond to changes in society is the cornerstone of the justice system. Distributive Justice is regulated by a government's social policy and impact on people's daily lives through health care, social security and education.

The second aspect of justice is Retributive Justice the aspect of justice that deals the punishment for wrong-doing, within that there are three aspects: deterrence, rehabilitation and incapacitation. In Foreign Policy sanctions, boycotting and trade embargoes can be used as a punishment for countries who fail to uphold the rights of it's citizens. The most notable example being the boycotting by 25 nations through various laws and local regulations forbidding registered corporations under their jurisdiction from doing business with South African firms, factories, or banks as a response to the Apartheid being enforced by the South African Government.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights guarantees an individual's right to liberties, which as a global society has identified as essential to every person. In this case justice is the enforcement of that right, which in Australia is legislated by government, enforced by the police and administered by the judicial system. An example of this would be Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 'Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.'. In New South Wales murder is outlawed by the CRIMES ACT NSW (1900) S.18(1)(a) Murder shall be taken to have been committed where the act of the accused, or thing by him or her omitted to be done, causing the death charged, was done or omitted with reckless indifference to human life, or with intent to kill or inflict grievous bodily harm upon some person, or done in an attempt to commit, or during or immediately after the commission, by the accused, or some accomplice with him or her, of a crime punishable by imprisonment for life or for 25 years.
(b) Every other punishable homicide shall be taken to be manslaughter.
This states that should an individual contribute to the death of another that they are subject to a punishment as determined by a court, validating the rights of the individuals right to life. This is the process of Retributive Justice.

In the process of justice it is commonly accepted that should someone create an injustice that actions need to occur to create an equilibrium thus restoring justice. It is also commonly accepted that a punishment for breaking a law is to deprive an individual of their right to freedom through incarceration, as mentioned in the CRIMES ACT NSW (1900). It could be argued that the justice system, by denying an individual their right to freedom, is creating a a further injustice. Justice is about maintaining balance and this includes maintaining the balance between the needs of the individual and the needs of the collective. Incarceration is designed to act as both deterrent, to stop crimes from being committed, and as a form of reparation should an injustice occur, and thus is an essential part of the justice process as it stands in Australia.

Justice is a social construct that aims to protect and bring an equllibrium to natural order As a system justice is a practical concept that affects an individual's everyday life. In Australia it gives the right to healthcare, education, food and shelter. It gives protection from crimes and a right of recourse should someone commit a crime against an individual. Justice is the motivation behind social policy and criminal law. it could be argued that the justice system through rule and regulation is the foundation for order in society, and without it there could be a high chance of chaos ensuing.

And remember boys and girls - turning tricks is for kids.


Heya boys and girls!

As I'm writing this a workman is outside my window drilling into the house wall... it's going over the top of my Jay Brannan song... and the guy isn't even cute. Fail.

It's my boyfriend's graduation tomorrow... which I am totally excited about it. It's not a big ceremony, but I'm just glad there's no issue with me being there as his partner. I should point out that he's at technical college (for those in the US) here it's called TAFE. So that makes it easier, because it's a much more relaxed environment.

Anyway... enjoy the Jay Brannan.

Love Eric.

And remember boys and girls - you are what you eat, which is why I keep eating superheros figurines.


Heya Boys and Girlies,

Beauty is a strange and wonderous thing. But as such it is also dangerous. Think of all the women who feel it nessecary to get plastic surgery to appeal to an "ideal standard" of beauty. Research is now showing that syemmtry is less important to beauty than we thought. Apparently we judge beauty on the smoothness and luminosity of the skin.

Another problem I have with beauty is these women who feel it is nesseary to cake make up on to hide their natural features. Trying to make their face a blank canvas on which they can remake themselves. No. This. Is. Wrong. The idea of make up is to be used sparringly, to highlight your natural features. The only two times caking makeup on is okay is when you're a drag queen or youre on t.v..

That's Edward Cullen's excuse and he's sticking to it. Although I must admit I am rather guilty of finding him rather beautiful. His finely chiseled features loo... and this is what I mean about beauty being dangerous, from my rant on make up I hae slid down a slippery sloap into thinking about the finely chiselled features of a movie star.

What is our obession with fame anyway? I mean I know I'm totally guilty of spending too much time on the internet looking for genuine pictures of Daniel Radcliffe nude... (I regret nothing). For some strantge reason as a society we idolise these people for what? Their contribution to a better world? No, we idolise them because they provide welcome distraction from our tiresome lives. We follow developments in their lives, such as their engagements, weddings etc with an unabashed curisoity. And then the marriage breaks up, turns out the man's a wife beater... the woman is a drug addict and then we have the nerve to complain that these are the role models for our children. News flash. Your. Fault. It is our job as a society (and the media has a lot to answer for in regards to this) to provide role models. Instead we chose models, the kind that your jaw drops when she walks in the room. The same woman who was throwing up in the bathroom before.

It's a sad state of affairs when an attractive woman looks at a picture of herself in a magazine and wishes she could naturally achieve that beauty. Natural beauty is no longer enough. We're going to have to learn how to photoshop ourselves in our daily lives.

Love Eric.

And remember boys and girls - anorexia and drinking alcohol can both induce vommiting, but only one of them is fun.


Heya Boys and Girls,

So I'm on the bus having a conversation with a friend about his neighbour offering him something. He was complaining about how they woke him up at six am. To which my response was "at least you got some", he then said "no, I turned them down.", I remembered that he disliked knowing his neighbours due to a few past incidences where knowing them had turned out bad. So I replied "Of course, that would mean you had to speak to them again.".

I don't know what you took out of that conversation, but then I realised what the people on the bus would think, considering they would have only heard my side of the conversation.

It's amazing in the English language as to how one setence can mean so many different things. Take for example the sentence "woman, without her man, is nothing". Simple it means that a woman is useless without a man. BUT chenage the punctuation "woman: without her, man is nothing" it now reads that a man is useless without a woman.

Our preconceptions colour how we understand what people say. Firstly it is our perceptions of the world that colour how we see the world - and thus when we hear people speak we hear it through the filters of our notions of what we know of this person, the context of the situation and what we would expect them to say in that particular situation...

When I write things I am often surprised when I've written something and someone comes back to me and says "this says xyz to me" and it is so far from what I was saying that it confuses me, until I anaylise it in a bipartisan way.

The moral of this insane and confusing rant is that despite what people tell you, English is important.

And that's about it.

Love Eric

And remember boys and girls - Miley Cyrus may be shit, but Avril Lavigne paved the way for her. The moral of this story is kill both of them.

How to kill a blind person

A friend of mine has a ringtone that sounds like the noise traffic lights make when it's okay to for pedestrians to cross the road. Every time her phone rings I laugh, because I have the image in my head of a blind person getting killed.

My economics teacher told me that "gambling is a voluntary tax on stupidity". Last night for the second time in my life I gambled. I went to the third largest casino in the world. I spent $13 and walked away wih $49. I got paid in one dollar coins. I stuffed them into my wallet - which refused to close and left a large bruise on my leg from where it kept hitting. I feel it was time well spent.

Aside from all that senseless ramble - todays topic is guilibity. I took a class called Society and Culture. The teacher was seriously awesome. She taught me things I'll never forget.

If you tell someone that you feel awful with a positive tone chances are they will think you said that you were fine.

If you stand facing the wrong way in an elevator and you are the only person in the elevator people who get into the elevator will face the same way as you.

If you stand in the street staring at the sky long enough people will join in. It helps if you have more than one person to start.

I've spent too many days on MLIA. But I have decided to go through life with more enthuasiasm for creating the absurd. Patch Adams rocks.

As a side note - I'm looking to create a playlist for gay youtubers, and seeing as finding them isn't easy I'm enlisting all the help I can get. Message me with links to profiles if you know any.

Love Eric

And remember boys and girls - Guilible has been removed from the dictionary.


Apparently in Russia prostitutes are considered to be of a very high status in society, as is the case with Japan and it's Geisha. In Western culture we have very little respect for our whores. Why is this? At a guess I would say it is our deeply religious heritage.

Happy Boys And Happy Girls just came on my ipod - so join in my fun. Yeah my taste in music is weird.

There was a separation of Church and State, but that failed because by definition the state is supposed to reflect the values of society, which in the government's inception was extrememly strong. The problem with that is the state never get the memo that was sent around about the chirch no longer being a relevant organisation within our society. The popularity of religion, particularly Christianity world wide means the organisations have considerable resources that does not hesitate to use it for politicaly purposes, such as weighing in on marriage and abortion debates.Since when did marriage become an institution exclusively belonging to the Church? Wiccans practiced hand-fastenings long before Christianity had marriage. Does the church also claim that marriages that do not directly involve THEIR church are void? All Jewish marriage ceremonies are void, all those marriages performed by licenced marriage celebrants... well you get the idea. The chuch is fucking with the lives of people it has no right too.

So anyway the point of this seeming ramble is that due to the church's widespread influence in our daily lives, in ways we may not even realise, I believe they have managed to instill a set of beliefs into society that are repressive. I'm not saying we should all become whores (although as I remember it Jesus was partial to a whore... Mary Magdalene anyone?)

I think our government should stop listening to the church and start spending more time watching the simpsons.

And remember boys and girls - rape might be illegal but it's also illegal for a man to wear a skirt after dark in the state of Victoria, Australia.